NEW Tobacco YouTube Series... Riders React!!

This has been a secret project of ours for a while.
And we need YOUR HELP to get it off the ground (more on this in a minute)...
Get ready to laugh, gasp, and maybe even learn something in episode one of our new Youtube series...
Riders React!
It’s exactly what it sounds like. Riders like you and I watching funny, dangerous, and lucky motorcycle videos.
And it would mean the WORLD to Andrew and I if you liked & commented on episode 1!! This may seem simple, but it really helps us spread the video on YouTube.
For the first episode, Andrew’s joined by our good friends and fellow riders @ninja_natalie and @hankhateseverything:
You might remember Natalie from the BLDR podcast. Or, you might’ve seen her on American Ninja Warrior, Team Ninja Warrior, or The Challenge.
Our other guest, Hank, takes photos of motorcycle riders and posts them to Instagram with snarky comments.
He’s also got a sweet mustache.
What's in Episode 1...
This is our first episode and it’s a little rough. But Andrew picked some good videos.
There’s a little bit of everything:
- Out of control bikes
- Miracle near-death saves
- Chariot motorcycles
- Animals on bikes
- Lane splitting madness
- Bait and switch bikes
- Crashes
- And so much more..!
I won't share everything.
Our plan is to release a new episode every month. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss Episode 2 (it's gonna be SICK)!
Lastly, if YOU have any clips you think we should add to an episode...
...put a link in the comments below the video!!
That way Andrew and I can talk about the videos YOU want to see most.
Laugh More Wreck Less,
Dave and Andrew
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